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"And his chains fell off"

From the February 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Accounts of God's love and care and protection for mankind abound in the Bible. Each narrative has its own special value, but unless we look beyond the historical and moral signification, understand its deep spiritual import, and then apply this understanding to our daily needs, such a narrative falls short of its holy mission and, to the unillumined or unreceptive thought, is just another Bible story.

Take, for instance, the story of Peter's release from prison. There he was, bound with chains and guarded by two soldiers. But "the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands."Acts 12:7; Obeying the instructions of the angel to clothe himself and to follow, he was led past other guards and out of the prison. Even the city gate opened for them of its own accord.

We may be sure that Peter, who had recognized the Christ as represented by Jesus, must have claimed something of the same Christliness for himself. According to the teachings of Christian Science he was proving that, in reality, man is an incorporeal, spiritual identity and cannot be bound by any material chains, confined within walls, restrained by persons, or obstructed by physical barriers. The angel-thoughts that came to Peter revealed that the powerful action of the divine laws of strength, freedom, and peace were right where material restrictions appeared inescapable. Such action released the apostle from his chains and prison and set him free.

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