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Testimonies of Healing

It would take many pages for me to...

From the May 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It would take many pages for me to testify fully to the infinite blessings which have come to me through Christian Science. Although I attended Sunday School regularly as a child and always tried to uphold the principles taught both at home and in Sunday School, there were years when my children were small that I did not attend church regularly. My husband was not a Scientist, so it seemed even easier to neglect this important activity. One day a dear friend and neighbor who had five children and always managed to get to her church asked me why I did not go to church and good-naturedly called me a "heathen." This was not a very subtle awakening, but it did the job, and from that time on I made every effort to get to the church services. Soon my husband joined me, and before long we both became members of a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and The Mother Church.

Raising four children has afforded many opportunities to prove the healing and preventive efficacy of Christian Science. Some of the healings we have experienced have been instantaneous, but the ones which seemed to take longer to yield were the ones which brought the greatest growth in spiritual understanding and progress for the whole family. One of these testing times came to me not too long ago while we were living in a small town.

One of our daughters was ill. When it became evident that the problem was worsening, I called a Christian Science practitioner and together we worked to see the nothingness of this sickness and the allness of God and His all-embracing love for His spiritual idea, man. In the days that followed, our daughter and I talked with the practitioner often, and each time we were encouraged and uplifted by the absolute statements of Truth we heard. It seemed difficult, however, to keep our joy when the physical symptoms showed no improvement.

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