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Testimonies of Healing

About thirty-five years after I had a...

From the September 1973 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About thirty-five years after I had a healing in Christian Science, my first published testimony appeared in The Christian Science Journal of September, 1965. Before and since that time, Christian Science has blessed me in numberless ways.

On one occasion, I was playing golf with friends, one a Scientist and the other two non-Scientists who were fellow workers at the office. I had driven a ball into the rough, and as I came out, one of our group called, "Look out!" At that instant a golf ball that had been driven off the tee without a warning "fore" struck me on the collarbone about two inches below the jaw. The force of the ball stunned and shocked me, and I dropped to the ground twice before being able to keep on my feet. Instead of waiting to remonstrate with the party who had driven the ball, I proceeded with the game, clearing thought of resentment and recrimination and prayerfully thanking God for His goodness and ever-present care. After a few days no effects were remembered.

Before my retirement, about twelve years ago, being a managerial employee, I had to submit to a physical checkup once a year at the company medical department. The examining doctor would mark on his report "a slight case of hemorrhoids," but the head physician, knowing that I was a Christian Scientist, never made any recommendations to remedy this condition. Since it did not distress me, it was given only superficial thought.

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