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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in German]

When a dear friend introduced me to...

From the September 1973 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When a dear friend introduced me to Christian Science, the joyous, healing Christ message satisfied all my longing for the truth and a higher understanding of life. I shall never forget the light of revelation that came into my consciousness when I began to read the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I recognized the possibility of helping others. This desire and my own prayer for perfection enabled me to partake of the meal which God prepares for all who love Him.

Ten years have passed, during which time many changes have taken place. Anxiety and grief have been replaced with joy, and sickness and care have been healed with love. Human relationships have improved, domestic tranquillity has been established, and I am gaining a growing understanding of all that constitutes heaven on earth.

The first healing I witnessed with divine help was a spontaneous one. A friend fell from a horse and came to me looking very pale and shaken. When he had gone, I had the sudden feeling that I must help and that I could help. I ran after him and found him standing on the street, seized with violent shivering. A brief word of truth was all that was needed: "God is All-in-all." Instantaneously all indications of the fall disappeared. I was very happy and grateful to have been able to demonstrate the truth.

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