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Association day—our "morning meal"

From the October 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Each year class-taught students of Christian Science have the opportunity to revitalize their commitment to the things of Spirit at the "morning meal" of their association day. This yearly gathering, provided for in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy, brings new insights: how to continue growing in spiritual understanding, how to practice the Science of Christianity more consistently, how to meet the moral and spiritual demands of our time. The truths shared at this meal clarify and deepen one's appreciation of what Christian Science is and of the breadth and scope of Mrs. Eddy's contribution to the betterment of mankind.

Attending the meeting of my association each year has helped me reshape my outlook to more God-centered affections. I have gained in acuteness and discernment so that I am more on my toes mentally in applying specific truths to heal erring trends of human thought. What we learn at our morning meal shows us how to cultivate more poise when confronted with challenges and so to become a more spiritually watchful and effective world citizen.

In his ministry of only three short years, Christ Jesus accomplished a colossal task — that of impelling the Christianization of humanity and uplifting the race. One early morning after his resurrection he appeared to Peter, John, and other disciples on the shore of the Tiberian Sea. Perhaps discouraged over the events of the crucifixion, these students had returned to their old trade of fishing. Had they forgotten their Master's teaching so soon, all the "signs and wonders" and the raising of the dead? Compassionately, Jesus called to them from the shore and broke their pattern of fruitless fishing. "Come and dine," See John 21:1-17; he said, providing them with fish on the coals and bread for this special morning meal. Then he directed Peter to go forward, challenging him and rousing him to do the good works he was capable of, saying, "Feed my sheep."

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