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Seeing through "stone walls"

From the February 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When wildlife conservationists capture water buffaloes, they can actually keep them corralled with walls of burlap. The animals could easily barge through the barriers, but because they can't see through them they believe they are solid.

A water buffalo roundup may be remote from our lives, yet doesn't this have a familiar ring? Haven't many of us let a problem buffalo us into believing it was a stone wall we could see no way through? Time and fear would solidify these convictions. Trying to dissolve complications humanly often makes more opaque the very problem we would see through. Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, writes, "They who discern the face of the skies cannot always discern the mental signs of these times, and peer through the opaque error."Miscellaneous Writings, p. 347

It doesn't matter whether one's walls appear to be disease, lack, false personality traits, age, loneliness, or red tape. Christian Science shows us they are mere delusions with less substance than a mirage. In all the creation of divine Mind there is no blockage to man's free and immortal being. As we understand this, the rays of infinite Love prevent the buildup of error in our consciousness and dissolve the seeming mortal resistance to Truth.

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