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To nullify the anti-Christ

From the February 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At times it appears that the anti-Christ is a real and active power influencing editors of the popular press to misrepresent and criticize the truth Christ Jesus taught. As Christian Scientists, when we read newspapers and magazines, we need to be alert to our duty to acknowledge one God, Spirit, and one eternal Christ, Truth, and to deny power and reality to the supposititious mind that would attack the truth.

Christian Science emphatically denies the false assumption that there really is a material, carnal mind and insists that divine Spirit is the only Mind and that this Mind is All. Because Spirit has been forever All, the carnal mind has never been real or assertive but has always been unreal and powerless. As we realize God's all-encompassing power, our belief in a mind that claims to oppose the divine Mind and its spiritual Christ-idea will gradually be destroyed.

Since Spirit is the only Mind and man is the reflection of this Mind, there is, then, no mind either to attack or to believe such attacks on the truth. Paul said, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
 Rom. 8:1 Spiritual strength and perception, perfect integrity and truthfulness, are always reflected by God's man. Their source is Spirit; their expression is continuous and eternal.

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