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Testimonies of Healing

It was a blessed day when our family...

From the May 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was a blessed day when our family was introduced to Christian Science. At the time, we had two small children and were frequently in doctors' offices with our various problems. My dear mother-in-law, whose grandfather had been a Christian Science practitioner, recommended that I call a local practitioner. I did, and this worker became a great help to us as we began to take the first of many steps in our spiritual development. The practitioner showed us how to study the Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly, and with love and patience answered our many questions about this newfound way of life.

I threw away the numerous medications that had nearly filled our bathroom cabinet, and soon I was healed of allergies and sinus difficulties. The ease with which these longstanding ailments had been banished deeply impressed me, and I was eager to learn more of this healing truth. At first we met with the practitioner regularly. But as we progressed spiritually, these visits became less necessary. We found that flu, colds, and various other illnesses were becoming powerless to gain a foothold in our lives.

Our children went all the way through school without contracting any of the communicable diseases often associated with childhood. Whenever we were notified by the schools that our youngsters had been exposed to one of these diseases, immediate prayer brought a recognition of man's perfection, dominion, and power as God's loved child. We confidently declared the unreality of these illnesses, knowing that all that God made is good. What He did not make could not be true or real, and He sends only good to His children.

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