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Testimonies of Healing

While I was working as a secretary for a...

From the June 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While I was working as a secretary for a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship I developed a painful condition in my hands. This was a very busy time, and it was most inconvenient that this problem interfered with my typing. I prayed earnestly in the words of Hymn No. 324 in the Christian Science Hymnal, "Take my hands, and let them move/At the impulse of Thy love." When I was able to see that the problem was a suggestion of mortal mind trying to interfere with the telling of the truth of God and man through this activity of lecturing, provided for in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy, I was quickly healed.

This lesson was invaluable later on in overcoming an intense headache, which kept me up studying and praying all night before our annual association meeting. By the time the meeting started I was free and able to fulfill my part in it. I enjoyed every moment of that inspiring day, without fatigue or sleepiness. In this instance it again became apparent to me that the painful condition was not merely physical, but the manifestation of an intruding sense of fear and concern. I knew that I have complete control over such lies through the understanding of God's infinite power and love.

I am particularly grateful for the wonderful spiritual progress that comes from membership in The Mother Church and in one of its branches. The opportunities to serve, and the challenges we meet, all help to put off the mortal belief in a selfhood apart from God. There is also a beautiful sense of church members working together, upholding each other in times of need, and rejoicing in each other's spiritual progress. The Wednesday evening testimony meetings provide a special time for sharing the healing fruits of our spiritual brotherhood.

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