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Testimonies of Healing

I submit my testimony in gratitude for and...

From the July 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I submit my testimony in gratitude for and praise of the one true God I have come to know and love through the study of Christian Science.

I was enrolled in a Christian Science Sunday School when I was young. My family was always loving, and we were very close. However, I grew up with a view of love as being dreamy and passive, not strong and active. I had learned the letter of Christian Science but had not thought it through enough to understand how it had vital application in my life.

The first physical healing I recall occurred when I was married and living in another state. One night I forgot to lock the sliding glass door that opened onto a small lanai outside our apartment. I was alone, as my husband was away on sea duty. In the middle of the night I woke to discover a burglar going through the dresser about one foot away from the bed. My immediate reaction was to scream, which I did. The burglar hit me in the face, then ran out.

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