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Why gratitude is necessary

From the June 1997 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My wife and I were driving from Pennsylvania to Arizona. It was Wednesday evening, and we had been driving since early dawn. In a little town west of Oklahoma City, a small Christian Science church provided us with one of the most inspiring services we ever attended. The Christ presence, expressed in love and gratitude, filled that hour with the radiant joy of renewal and spiritual refreshment. And everyone attending gave a testimony of healing.

Have you ever thought of gratitude as riches? Hymn No. 249 in the Christian Science Hymnal tells us that:

Our gratitude is riches,
Complaint is poverty,
Our trials bloom in blessings,
They test our constancy.
O, life from joy is minted,
An everlasting gold,
True gladness is the treasure
That grateful hearts will hold.

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