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Testimonies of Healing

Fear of death overcome

From the March 1999 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several Years Ago I came down with a case of flu. Although I prayed daily and received treatment from a Christian Science practitioner, I mistakenly harbored the suggestion that this sickness was something that I would recover from anyway. I felt that even if healing didn't come through our prayers, I really only had to "wait it out." After several weeks, however, I was feeling no better. A couple from church offered to come and help me get the house in order. As they were leaving, I suddenly experienced an attack that left me paralyzed, and it seemed I was near death. As the husband held me in a blanket and we prayed and sang hymns together, the wife called a practitioner. I knew throughout this experience that it was the fear of death that needed to be overcome. As I turned wholeheartedly to God, I experienced a feeling of assurance that I was indeed in His care, and that none of this was actually affecting my real being as God's likeness. After a few minutes, I was able to stand and walk, and in a few minutes more I recovered the use of my arms and hands.

Within a few days
the claim of illness
was completely

At first I wondered why this had happened to me, but I recalled the story in the Bible of the man who was blind from his birth. The disciples asked Christ Jesus, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" The account continues, "Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him" (John 9:2, 3). That was my answer. This experience occurred for the purpose of enabling us to witness God's power, His ability to heal in the most dire circumstances. This gave me renewed insight into healing, and within a few days the claim of illness that I had been struggling with for so long was completely conquered.

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