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Spiritual Short

In God’s care

From the December 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On a recent morning I found myself thinking, “I am in God’s care. He is taking such good care of me. I couldn’t ask for better care.” Time and again over many years I have experienced proof that God “is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:1) and that He is “equal to my every need” (Frederick L. Hosmer, adapted, Christian Science Hymnal, No. 260).

Suddenly I realized that I had been denying this fact whenever I answered the question “Who is your primary-care physician?” It comes up occasionally when I’m completing forms at a dentist’s office or for some types of insurance. My answer had always been “I don’t have one.” On deeper reflection, though, I realized that answer denies God and Christian Science their proper place in my life. So on this particular morning, after feeling so grateful for God’s constant care, I made a promise to myself: “The next time I am confronted with this question, I am not going to neglect the Great Physician. I will answer that God is my primary-care physician. Who knows? That may open an opportunity for a conversation about God’s perfect care for man.” 

Within a month of this decision, I was asked to update some forms that included the question about my primary-care physician. I paused, remembered the commitment I had made, and then confidently wrote, “God.” No questions were asked, no comments made, but it felt good to affirm the One who takes such good care of me.

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