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Spiritual Short

Equipped for excellence

From the February 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

You never know where you’re going to find unexpected inspiration. Driving into town recently on some errands, my husband and I made our first stop at an auto body shop to get an estimate on a small paint job. While he was inside, my eyes fell on a sign that said, “Equipped for Excellence.” Wow! I’d been feeling worried over some challenges not yet resolved, but that whole state of thought just vanished with this revelation: Of course! Because of our unity with God, our one and only source, we are all equipped for excellence!

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, used seven synonyms to describe the wonderful nature of God. Christ Jesus’ life of love and healing is the prime example of the endless possibilities that come with being so equipped:

by infinite Mind, with unlimited spiritual intelligence and understanding;
by eternal Life, with immortality, health, wholeness, and joy;
by omnipotent Spirit, with inexhaustible energy and strength;
by immortal Soul, with indestructible spiritual faculties, forever independent of matter;
by divine Truth, with painless being, integrity, and unwavering conviction in the truth that Jesus promised will make us free;
by ever-present Love, with tenderness, kindness, unselfishness, compassion, imperturbable peace;
by absolute Principle, with courage, confidence, and temperance.
We are all fully equipped with the ability to reflect God and His healing power!

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