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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


The article by "S," in the February Journal, directing attention to the fact that the security of Christian Science organizations is dependent wholly upon individual consecration of its members, cannot be too carefully pondered. We will do well to examine ourselves and learn if we have attained to that subordination of self, of human intellect and its opinions, ambition, personal prejudices and favors, that alone can prove a safeguard to ourselves individually, or to the organization of which we maybe a member.


Home is not in reality a place in time and sense; it is a state of eternity. All its belongings and adornments are ideas born of spiritual sense, and hence are unchangeable and indestructible, a joy forever.

The following is a clipping from the National Israelite, the...

The following is a clipping from the National Israelite , the organ of the liberal Jews of this country, and I send it as being very significant to Christian Scientists. — N.


What does Christian Science teach concerning sin? There is need that great care be taken in our statements on this question, as we are constantly being met by the assertion that Christian Science teaches there is no sin; and very many, misled by this bold statement, turn from our work with suspicion, not to say outright fear. To assert that God is all, and in all; that He made all that was made and pronounced it good; that without Him was not anything made that was made, and that He could create nothing unlike Himself; and that therefore there is no evil, is not enough.


"Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment. " — John vii.


Beloved Students :—My heart has many rooms, one of these is sacred to the memory of my students. Into this upper chamber where all things are pure and of good report—into this sanctuary of Love I often retreat, sit silently, and think.

Healing and Reports of Cases

" Christian Science rests on proof not profession. It is not a theory, but a demonstrative system of healing, and it must be supported by proof of its power to heal.

Little Mamie, who is only ten years old, is a splendid Christian Scientist. One day her brother was complaining of a sick headache.

Those using editions of Science and Health previous to the 36th are often at a loss to find passages referred to, as writers usually give the paging of the revised edition. This can be easily remedied by penciling the corresponding number of page of the other edition, at the bottom of each page where changes are made, according to the following directions: Old ed.

Copy of a letter of thanks sent Rev. Mary B.