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Church Alive

Reading Room near Ground Zero: Then and Now

ASH FROM 9/11 was still on the sidewalk when our search committee found a rental space two blocks from the World Trade Center site. We spent months before the tragedy looking for something in midtown, but this was a clear call to establish the Comforter's presence where it was most needed.


CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.

Spiritual Progress in Africa

Over the past several years, The Mother Church has renewed a focus on its relationship to Christian Science churches and societies in African countries. The goal of this work is to better understand how to most appropriately support efforts on the ground, particularly in the areas of sub-Saharan Africa that are seeing the most growth: Angola, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria.

Voices from the Southeast and New York Spiritual Activist Summits

In spring 2010, young Christian Scientists participated in two TMC Youth Summits in Atlanta and New York City. Both summits featured entertainment, lectures, and discussions on topics such as "Sharing Christian Science" and "Primary Class Instruction.


CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.

Ushering: Much More Than a Job

WHEN I WAS TWELVE YEARS OLD, I decided to apply for church membership. I was so excited about doing something important! After I was accepted as a member, the people in charge (I learned later they were called "the board"), asked me what I would like to do for the church.

A Society's Good News

WE HAVE A NEW NAME! After nearly 100 years of being First Church of Christ, Scientist, we're now the Christian Science Society of Waukesha, Wisconsin. We love that the Church Manual identifies both churches and societies as branches of The Mother Church.

The Power of Unity

Two of the Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society, Michael Pabst and Scott Preller, traveled with Michael Seek, Managing Editor of the German Herald, and Luisella Jaques-Deraney, Managing Editor of the French Herald, through Germany, Switzerland, and France to conduct meetings about the future of the Herald. Below, Michael and Scott report on their visit to these churches, which took place last February and March.


CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.

How the e-Church Works for Us

I'VE BEEN SURPRISED BY the unexpected possibilities of online services ever since our church began experimenting with them five years ago. At first I thought they would be fairly passive, like listening to a prerecorded Christian Science Bible Lesson over the phone.