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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Some months ago I had a severe claim of neuralgia in my...

Some months ago I had a severe claim of neuralgia in my eyes. I tried to realize its nothingness, but it seemed so intensely painful, I grew impatient, and instead of working harder for harmony, allowed error to tempt me by suggesting the use of hot water to alleviate the suffering.

The first thing that disappeared after coming into Christian Science was chronic catarrh of the head. Before going for treatment I was using a spray three times a day to wash my throat and nose so as to breathe with ease, and every other day I went to the doctor to have him treat it.

About two or three months ago I had a belief of scarle...

About two or three months ago I had a belief of scarler fever, and mamma had to report to the Board of Health, and my two sisters couldn't go to school; the first time they had been absent or tardy. One had been going to school five years, and one three years.

It is now five years since I came into Christian Science, and I think it is my duty to tell what it has done for me and my family. During that time I have never used drugs of any kind.

When only six years of age I was taken with epilepsy

When only six years of age I was taken with epilepsy. We sought first one doctor, then another, for help, but there was none, I suffered not only from the fits but other diseases took hold of me.

I feel it is time I tried to express my thanks through...

I feel it is time I tried to express my thanks through the Journal for what Christian Science has done for me, my wife, and little daughter. I suffered for twenty years with eczema in its worst form.

Christian Science has done so much for me that I...

Christian Science has done so much for me that I want to tell every one I can about it, that it may help others to investigate it. I will try to be brief.

Christian Science was first brought to my notice in...

Christian Science was first brought to my notice in March, 1898, and in the September following I began to read Science and Health. A friend had told me that what power Christian Science had was of the devil, but I decided to read the book and form my own opinions.

One year ago last April Christian Science was brought to us and I was cured of a great many troubles. I had suffered all my life with backaches, and was at that time suffering from the effects of a miscarriage brought on by a congestive chill and fever.

About twelve years since I met with an accident, falling a distance of about forty feet on a pile of broken rock. It was thought at the time that I would be crippled for life, but broken bones were skilfully set and everything done for me by my kind and skilful surgeon.