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From the November 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Does the road wind up-hill all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Will the day's journey take the whole long day?
From morn till night, my friend.

But is there for the night a resting-place?
A roof for when the slow, dark hours begin.
May not the darkness hide it from my face?
You can not miss that inn.

Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?
Those who hare gone before.
Then must I knock or call when just in sight?
They will not keep you standing at that door.

Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?
Of labor you shall find the sum.
Will there be beds for me and all who seek?
Yea, beds for all who come.

It was Love that made us; it is Love that has kept us; it is Love that saves us. and Love that will crown us with Immortal Life, if we abide in it.

Nothing but a purer, higher Love can save us from a false lower affection. A true Love will cure a false love.

The love of Christ is the only cure for sin.

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