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Testimonies of Healing

I came under Christian Science treatment four years ago,...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Came under Christian Science treatment four years ago, at a time when those most interested in me felt that there was nothing left to be done. For ten years I had been an invalid,—first one organ became affected and then another, until there seemed to be no part of my body exempt from suffering. For the first few years I submitted to different methods of treatment to relieve conditions which were undermining my whole system and shattering my nerves. Finally a surgical operation was resorted to which afforded only temporary relief, while it caused intense suffering and great expense. In a very short time I was worse off than before. My stomach was in such a condition that I could only retain a very little food at a time, and this caused great distress. My system was so full of canker that there were times when my mouth and lips were so sore I could not eat, and I dreaded to close my month, it caused such suffering to open it again. All this time my heart was becoming so weakened that it was not unusual for me to lose consciousness several times a day, from a few moments to a half hour, and my friends expected that any one of these spells might be fatal. Along with all this a nervous condition existed, bordering upon insanity. In fact, one physician told my husband that nervous insanity would be the outcome. No expense was spared in trying everything suggested for my relief. The physicians were kind and did all they could, but my condition was "nothing bettered, but rather grew worse." I could not walk about the room without assistance, and was very thin, with traces of disease visible in my countenance. At this time I was very antagonistic to Christian Science as I then understood it, but the time had arrived when I lost my faith in everything. Although I had been an active member of an orthodox church since girlhood, I could not understand how God could willingly afflict me and at the same time place in my care a family of little ones. The physical and spiritual condition in which Christian Science found me was indeed pitiable; but through the patient efforts of my loyal practitioner. I have been led back step by step to perfect health, and am now able to do a great amount of labor every day.

I feel very grateful to God, and also to our beloved Leader,, Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, through whom this great healing power of Truth has been again revealed to the world.

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