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Testimonies of Healing

I began the study of Christian Science...

From the November 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I began the study of Christian Science over fifteen years ago. At that time I had been under the constant care of a local physician for many months. Weak nerves had brought on a serious physical condition from which I suffered intensely day and night. In spite of the faithful work of the physician, I was constantly growing worse. I then decided to turn from materia medica to Christian Science, for there seemed to be nothing else to do. Relief came immediately, and I was so encouraged that continued study of this great truth became a joy. While waiting for my own healing, several demonstrations of God's power to heal came to members of my family.

My little son, then five years of age, was healed of a chronic case of constipation from which he had suffered since birth. This healing has been permanent. My daughter was healed of acute appendicitis in one treatment, after being told by a physician that her case demanded immediate surgical attention. She was also healed in two treatments of astigmatism, and has not had to wear glasses since, although her occupation requires the constant and close use of her eyes. At another time, when she had suffered from a badly dislocated shoulder bone as the result of an automobile accident, she was relieved from all pain in a couple of hours, and a complete healing was accomplished in two weeks.

While the younger members of our home were so readily receiving and demonstrating this new truth, my own thought was gradually awakening. Gratitude for the healing of others opened the windows of heaven for me. Then one day I realized with joy that my own healing had been demonstrated. Words fail to express my gratitude for this healing, for it was indeed a proof of God's care. However, the spiritual understanding which I have gained means more to me than all else. Becoming acquainted with our Father-Mother God has brought me much happiness, health, supply, and the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding."—

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