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Testimonies of Healing

It is with loving gratitude for the...

From the March 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with loving gratitude for the many blessings that have come into my life through the study of Christian Science that I give this testimony.

In 1900 an examination of the eyes brought a verdict that there was no vision in one eye, and because of the additional strain on the other eye it appeared to be only a question of a few years until I would be totally blind. Glasses were worn constantly to relieve the strain until 1913, when I began to have so much difficulty in seeing that I was unable to read even the daily newspaper. It was at this time Christian Science was presented to me and I began to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I visited a Christian Science Reading Room and read all the afternoon, losing all consciousness of time or place, and was astonished when told by the librarian that it was closing time, for I thought I had been reading about ten minutes. The following day found me at the Reading Room when the doors were opened, and again I had to be reminded of the closing hour. The third day was a repetition of the preceding days, and on leaving I purchased a copy of Science and Health. I knew by that time that it contained the "pearl of great price;" and I would have parted with everything I possessed, if necessary, in order to obtain it.

In six weeks I was completely healed of the eye trouble through reading this book, and laid aside my glasses. At the same time a stomach and intestinal trouble, which had baffled many physicians, was overcome. My last physician, after treating me for three consecutive years, finally told me that he knew of no drug that would cure me or even give relief. The joy accompanying the release from the bondage of this suffering can only be appreciated by one who has had a similar experience.

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