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Testimonies of Healing

On page 494 of "Science and Health...

From the December 1935 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 494 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy we are told that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need." During the past seven years I have had the blessed privilege of proving the truth of this statement many times. For many years I suffered from kidney and bladder trouble, chronic sick headaches, rheumatism, and extreme nervousness. At one time I spent five weeks in bed and at another seven weeks, with what the doctors said was a complete nervous breakdown. Added to these so-called physical disorders were self-pity, sensitiveness, a quick temper, and the habit of criticizing. When things looked darkest to me and I had not improved under the best medical attention, I picked up a copy of Science and Health, which had been in my home for fifteen years, and began to study earnestly and prayerfully, for I realized that only God could heal me, and I knew that He had healed many of my friends and acquaintances through Christian Science. Giving up all material means and turning to God absolutely, in less than three months I was completely healed of the kidney and bladder trouble, and a few months later I suddenly awakened to the fact that I had not had a headache since I began reading our textbook; the rheumatism had also disappeared. Gradually, as I read Science and Health and the authorized Christian Science literature, the unlovely traits of character mentioned above began to yield to the power of Truth.

At one time when I grasped the handle of a frying pan which had been left over a burning jet, the pain was quickly overcome through my repeating "the scientific statement of being" (Science and Health, p. 468) and refusing to look at the hand. In two days there was no trace of the burn. At another time, when a vicious dog attacked me, I stood still, and declared the truth. The dog released me and ran on down the street. I was most grateful for these two manifestations of the ever-presence of divine Love, for they impressed members of my family who were not students of Christian Science.

During the past four years I have had the great privilege of teaching in the Sunday school of a branch church, of serving in other capacities, and of having membership in The Mother Church. I am more grateful than I can express for class instruction; for the Reading Room, wherein I have solved many problems; for the Board of Lectureship; and for all the authorized literature. The Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly are indeed my daily bread, and I am grateful for the Committee that prepares them. My gratitude to the practitioners who assisted me so lovingly when I was not able to overcome certain errors with my own understanding is sincere and heartfelt; and I thank God for sending Christ Jesus to show us the way of salvation. My heart goes out in love and gratitude to our dear Leader for her unselfishness in sharing with mankind her great discovery. I can indeed say that Christian Science has brought me out of darkness and translated me "into the kingdom of his dear Son."—

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