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Testimonies of Healing

Digestive health restored

From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a student of Christian Science, I’m striving to see myself as the perfect man Christ Jesus assured we each are. When I was thinking about this over a year ago, while studying the Bible Lesson and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, this passage got my attention: “And God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it” (Gen. 1: 28). A dictionary provided “to bring (land) under cultivation” as a definition for subdue. It led me to explore reforming my thinking through what I call “metaphysical farming”—cultivating my consciousness so that only seeds of Spirit, God, grow and fructify.

I’ve found that good metaphysical farming demands alertness to recognize when mortal mind has planted bad seeds, as well as humility and patience to joyously clear them away. Dissolving error is not accomplished through self-will, whim, prognosis, or conjecture, but through practice of divine Science. Mrs. Eddy shared the following in that respect: “. . . learn a lesson of the parable and the sower, both sprang up and bore fruit, the good fruit was productive and the evil fruit produced nothing, for good is real and evil is unreal. The wisdom of this hour and the proper labor of this hour is to know of a certainty the quality of the seed which takes root in our thought and understanding, and by their fruits this can only be known; . . .” (A10355, The Mary Baker Eddy Collection, The Mary Baker Eddy Library). Christian Science helps all seekers of truth with the certain knowledge that separates matter-based reasoning from the spiritual understanding, and leads to harvesting only the fruits of Spirit—all the good God provides us.

I was viewing the news more like art, that of having something to critique, criticize, judge, and be upset about.

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