I would like to share with you what my adult son and I lived through over a year ago. I don’t know what word to use, as the word gratitude is not strong enough for the healing my son had.
I put my son mentally in the arms of our Father-Mother God, knowing that He was taking care of him.
One day, in August 2013, I received a phone call from the emergency room telling me that my son had been brought in with severe stomachaches and that he had lost consciousness. I immediately felt that I should remain faithful to divine Truth. I put him mentally in the arms of our Father-Mother God, knowing that He was taking care of my son. When I saw him at the hospital, he didn’t look good at all. The medical staff started to proceed with various tests. My son regained consciousness, little by little.
At two o’clock in the morning, I was told that the test results showed a considerable blood infection and colon cancer. I immediately began praying to know that his being could have no infection, because his true being was entirely spiritual and pure, and that he could have no disease, because the sweetness of divine Love characterized his real substance and being. And I held on to these thoughts. Then I was told that he needed to be hospitalized and under constant medical supervision, but that for that night he would stay in the emergency room.
I went home, and I opened Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, where I found the following passage: “Being is holiness, harmony, immortality. It is already proved that a knowledge of this, even in small degree, will uplift the physical and moral standard of mortals, will increase longevity, will purify and elevate character. Thus progress will finally destroy all error, and bring immortality to light” (p. 492).
A few hours later, I called a Christian Science practitioner whom I knew very well. I was touched by his calm, his listening, and his conviction. This gave me the strength to go back to the hospital. My son looked better, more alive. A nurse came to tell me that the results of the blood test showed a stabilization. We said, “Thank you, Father.”
As the hours went by, no one was looking after us anymore in the emergency room. We decided to go home. I signed a waiver form, and, after talking with the doctors who wanted to keep track of my son, I was able to take him to my home.
I was constantly in touch with the practitioner, and I conveyed to my son what the practitioner was saying; we prayed a lot. I kept thinking of this sentence: “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24). I was also affirming “Be not afraid” (Matthew 14:27). I knew that our Father-Mother God would not abandon us and that He was always present.
A week after we left the hospital, a medical nurse came (sent by the hospital) to perform a blood test and other tests. In the evening, I got a phone call. “There is no more infection in the blood and it is incredible,” said a doctor. I thanked him for this good news, and I called the practitioner immediately. We had won a battle, but we needed to persist. We needed to remain faithful to divine Truth, and to affirm that whatever is not from God is not reality. During the next two weeks, my son continued to improve to the point of being able to get up and go outside.
We needed to affirm that whatever is not from God is not reality.
At the end of these two weeks, the hospital sent a notification to have a colonoscopy done. My first reaction was to say no, but I had not prayed to know what the right thing to do was. I needed to listen in order to hear the response the Father would give me. What came to me was that if my son had to take this test, it would be to the glory of Truth.
After deciding that he would take this test, we were both peaceful and certain that we had made the right decision. We were sure that only Truth would be manifested. The test took much longer than it would typically take. During that time, I read thoroughly the article “God’s Law of Adjustment” by Adam Dickey from The Christian Science Journal of January 1916.
The physicians came to say that the test had taken so long because they couldn’t find anything. Two weeks later, my son was able to go back to his own place. He is still in perfect health today.
A big thank you to the practitioner who has continually supported us with lots of love and patience.
“Truth is always the victor” (Science and Health, p. 380).