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Church News

These recent postings include Church news items of wider public interest as well as ones that are primarily of interest to members. 

To sign up for emails about Church Announcements, visit ‘My Account,’ and click on ‘Manage Email Notifications.’ 

How copyright ethics relate to the work of The Mother Church and its branches

Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) approves Church Development Plans

A statement of baptism for use in some countries

Christian Science Plaza designated Boston Landmark

Rotation on the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society

We are pleased to announce a change on the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society. On January 26, 2020, Lyon Osborn rotated off the Board of Trustees, and on January 27, David Hohle, CSB, joined Robin Hoagland, CSB, and Michael Fish, CSB, who are currently serving as Trustees. 

