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Brother F. D. Snider "passed on" in New York, Dec...

From the February 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Brother F. D. Snider "passed on" in New York, Dec. 17, under circumstances that leave no doubt in the minds of those conversant with them, that the result was due to malicious animal magnetism. He had devoted himself, in the flower of youth, to Science, and he fell, a soldier of the cross, struck down on the post of duty by this cowardly foe, that steals on its victims from behind, and in the dark.

As a Scientist, Brother Snider was perfectly fearless; he never flinched; when to the evidence of the senses his patients were very low, and probably "passing on," he knew God was their Life, and that Life was eternal. When others saw death stamped in faces, he only saw Life—and he never lost a case. His courage and self-abnegation were fitly set off by modesty, entire delicacy, spiritual uprightness, and a large charity towards others.

The details of this crime will be given for the instruction of others who may be similarly attacked in the March Journal.

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