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Testimonies of Healing

For the cause of Truth I submit the following testimonial for...

From the February 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Carrolton, Mo., October 8, 1888.

Dear Journal:

For the cause of Truth I submit the following testimonial for publication. May it bring one more, at least, into the fold of divine science! The Truth, as it is stated in Science and Health, has done much toward making our home the abiding-place of peace and harmony. I want now to write of the wonderful demonstration of Truth over the birth of my baby boy two weeks ago. Sunday, September 23d, we went for a long drive of three hours. At night I retired at the usual hour. Toward morning I was given a little warning. When I awoke at 7 o'clock, A. M., the birth took place. Not more than ten minutes after I ate a hearty breakfast, and then had a refreshing sleep. At ten o'clock I walked across the room while my bed was dressed. At twelve I took a substantial dinner. Most of the afternoon I sat up in bed without any support but Truth. At six in the evening I dressed myself and walked to the dining-room, and remained up for two hours. Next morning I arose at the usual hour, and have kept it up ever since. I was not confined to my bed one whole day. The second day was out walking in the yard, and the third day went for a drive in the morning, and received callers in the afternoon. If it had not been for the presence of my young hopeful, it would have been hard to believe that there had been a belief of a birth in the house so recently. But then I was sustained by love, and had no belief of suffering to take my strength away. Before baby was two weeks old I cooked, swept, ran the sewing machine, etc., assisting with the housework generally. How grateful I am for the obstetrics of this grand science. Mothers need no longer listen to the whispering lies of the old serpent, for the law of mortal mind is broken by Truth.

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