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From the February 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Church of Christ (Scientist), of New York City, was organized in the fall of 1887. Services were held nearly every Sunday until late in the spring of 1888. They were resumed again in October of '88, and since then services have been held regularly every Sunday. A Sunday school was started at this time, at the suggestion of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Snider, and, thanks to their earnestness and devotion, and to the hearty co-operation of the church, it proved to be a success from the start.

One obstacle to the growth and prosperity of the church was the inability to secure a suitable place for worship. After various experiments, the church has at last found a hall of convenient size in a central locality and excellent neighborhood, viz.: Hardman Hall, corner Fifth Avenue and Nineteenth Street, entrance No. 2 West Nineteenth Street. The interior has been newly furnished, is admirably heated, lighted, and ventilated, and so situated that the noises from the street are not heard. Mrs. F. J. Stetson is the regular speaker of the church, and preaches a straight Science sermon every Sunday. The growth and prosperity of the church is in no small measure due to her earnest and self-sacrificing labors. Next Sunday the members of the church will present her with a $200 purse as a token of their appreciation and esteem. A few Sundays since she exchanged pulpits with Mr. Frank E. Mason, the assistant pastor of the Boston Church of Christ (Scientist). The church gave Mr. Mason a hearty welcome, and listened with much interest to his sermon, entitled "From Adam to Jesus."

Mrs. Charles Thomas, who is an earnest Scientist, and one of the best amateur singers in the city, adds greatly to the interest of the services by her artistic solos. The Sunday school begins at 3 P. M. and the church service at 4 P. M. The attendance at both the Sunday school and church services is increasing steadily.

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