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From the March 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"A word spoken in due season how good it is."— Proverbs xv. 23.

All close, earnest students of Christian Science must have observed that, as mortal mind and its conditions are more and more stirred by the onward march of truth, it becomes more aggressive. Those who have attained merely higher attenuations of mortal mind have become more self-contained and even boastful of their achievements, of the lofty positions reached by them, and their understanding of what they claim, and perhaps believe, to be Truth.

Of the persons included in this classification I shall only refer in this essay to those who have been correctly and thoroughly taught this science by its discoverer and founder, Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy; those who, after apparently accepting the truth taught, and while claiming to be Christian Scientists, and professing to be loyal to these teachings, have for some strange reason withdrawn from the organizations established for the propagation of the pure Science of Mind-healing, and from the unity and brotherhood of its disciples.

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