Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

How many phone calls, emails, or texts have you gotten from someone or some organization trying to sell you something? These telemarketers will keep communicating even after you’ve said you don’t want what they’re selling. I’ve had similar experiences at outdoor markets.
Some time ago, I had an eye-opening experience that gave me a deeper understanding of the truth which Jesus taught us. I was struggling to breathe and there were moments where I was fearful I might not survive.
The lifeless influence that would hide or even seem to bury churches is actually in consciousness. It therefore needs to be exposed and addressed in thought. It cannot be ignored.
My husband and I were nearing our retirement years, and I knew we needed a change so that we could retire. We both worked heavy-labor, low-paying self-employed jobs that offered no benefits, and we also had no savings.
A couple of years back, while on a cycling trip, I was dwelling on a statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “The spiritual universe, including individual man, is a compound idea, reflecting the divine substance of Spirit” ( p. 468 ).
The discord most impressing an individual will disappear from his or her thought as he or she perceives anyone as being perfect, as God is.
When we challenge pain’s validity, seeing it as a mirage, we truly make progress and find relief.
The many ways in which Christian Science practitioners and teachers found their way into the public practice of Christian Science.
We’re not benefited by trying to use human will to relinquish materiality. Rather, as we realize more clearly the allness of Spirit, God, good, false desires and influences that God never caused will naturally fall away, like barnacles on a ship that sails into fresh waters.
God does indeed bring together need and supply for the universal good.