Columns & Sections
Of Good Report
Present-day examples of “whatsoever things are of good report” (Philippians 4:8)
The power of prayer during wartime
God is “a very present help in trouble” for a solider and his platoon.
Spiritual Short
Big ideas in small packages
Never a there, there
If I was forever “there” in God’s presence, I could never be “there” in the presence of an accident.
Branching out
Examples of inspiring and healing activity in branch churches, societies, and informal groups
“The word public stood out . . .”
If we wanted to end up with the public at our lecture, it would be good to begin with the public in planning it.
Pathways to the practice
Individuals share how they became Christian Science practitioners
Pathways to the practice
The many ways in which Christian Science practitioners and teachers found their way into the public practice of Christian Science