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Spiritual Short

Big ideas in small packages

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Never a there, there

If I was forever “there” in God’s presence, I could never be “there” in the presence of an accident.

“Thy will be done”: An active prayer

Each morning, I try to pray by focusing on God, good, and what is true about me and the world. The other morning, I woke to the repetition of this line of the Lord’s Prayer as if it were being spoken to me: “Thy will be done” ( Matthew 6:10 ).

The artistry of Soul

If we look out into the vastness and great beauty of the universe, we must admit that Soul is a consummate artist from the infinitesimal to the infinite.

Soaring aspirations

Birds inspire this author. She realized she needed to let her thought soar beyond and above what the physical senses reported.

Before you ask

As parents lovingly prepare for a new child, God has prepared a spiritual place for us which we claim as we conform thought and action to His law.

Cleansing fog

A writer sees fog as a symbol of the active cleansing power of Love operating unobstructed and filling all space

Responding to the tidal pull

I live at the beach and swim most days in the Pacific Ocean. Some days I float and let the tide take me to my destination.

Completeness after heartbreak

Ah, love. Isn’t it wonderful to be in the presence of someone who sees you as delightful, smart, talented! Who really sees and loves you.

The compass needle always points north. The attractive force never denies the needle, nor can the needle deny the attraction.

Mother love

I was teaching a kindergarten class. The school had recently been reorganized, with some children suddenly finding themselves in new rooms with new classmates and new teachers.