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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.


An Easter poem about Jesus’ resurrection. 

A double portion

Inspired by the biblical account of Elisha and Elijah at the river Jordan, before Elijah ascends.

Facing our Goliaths

I didn’t want to run to it, I wanted to run from it— the Goliath, my problem that felt so big and real. Like Jonah, it seemed better  to get far away from thinking about it.

Love’s gift

Even if preceded by fire, wind, and earthquake, Love's gift of revelation comes gently and peacefully when we look toward God and listen for His voice.

Every Christian Science Reading Room

A Christian Science Reading Room is a fount, a garden, a temple, and a fortress helping us find the Comforter and welcoming, feeding, healing, and redeeming us

The daystar of Christian Science

The daystar of divine Science lights the way to eternal harmony

i thank God

the text came  rushing in at the tail end  of a day with no end  a river of despair flashing across my phone   and there i sat, a surf of weariness,  with my arms out— stretched to God  there are moments in between words where sound and silence  hover and mingle as if waiting with bated breath for angels to gather  i wait perched, listening so still and as i do the earth-weights  recede, i begin to see that they are not mine  or yours to wield or solve and then  the message comes on heels and wings reverberating in silent song it whispers:  i thank God  for your  beautiful life it says again in case i didn’t hear or don’t believe  i thank God for your  beautiful life and that’s it— all it takes—  one tiny tendril of truth one fresh phrase from the fount of Love to turn the tide  suddenly the sky shimmers, a blanket of night is light and there we are you and me, every “you” and every “me,” etched eternal in the hands  of Love each word written a pristine and perfect song there is no unwriting this no mortal missive can overwrite mistake undo  the work of Her hand i thank God, beloved one,  for your beautiful life  i thank God, o God, i thank You, for Life, for this beautiful,  untainted so beautiful—Life.

What things?

I trudge along, taking in the world I perceive, with its cacophony of complaints, its crises and chaos.   Each step is a sigh, a silent sympathy with a gloomy gulf of grief.

As strong this day

“I am as strong this day”  1   as I once was. To do what, Caleb?      Run a fast mile      do 100 push-ups      heft a sword and shield      throw a javelin      a really, really long way? What was your strength those millennia ago  when you and the other scouts were peering into the Promised Land? Many thought it impossible for  your people to make it there—      too many obstacles      too much opposition.

Grateful to God

Thank you, God, for loving me, For being all You are; Supplying every needful thing— Each year and week and hour. =  Your protection, everywhere, Never leaves our side.

