Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
“I am as strong this day” 1 as I once was. To do what, Caleb? Run a fast mile do 100 push-ups heft a sword and shield throw a javelin a really, really long way? What was your strength those millennia ago when you and the other scouts were peering into the Promised Land? Many thought it impossible for your people to make it there— too many obstacles too much opposition.
Thank you, God, for loving me, For being all You are; Supplying every needful thing— Each year and week and hour. = Your protection, everywhere, Never leaves our side.
Those—beloved—who’ve gone before, passed beyond our present sight; when vision yields to divine law, we shall see them in Life’s light. They, known thus through spiritual sense, live unbroken existence.
I thank You, Father, that in the quietude of prayer and preparation, I know You are with me, for we are eternally one. You are my Life, Mind, substance, and guiding light, so I strive to listen and hear.
Church cleanup day inside and out ah weeding what’s the point really the weeds will grow back won’t they yet this plot was given me to tend and sure the weeds may grow back but won’t it lovingly serve this place this group this community to beautify this space today so I weeded both externally and internally removing each thought that would obstruct the divine mission of Church to elevate the race with a little attention the Christ-idea roots out hurts and frustrations and what’s left is just beauty some weeds may grow back but I am ready to tend my plot and patiently persistently expectantly uncover the radiance of this church within and without as often as it takes. .
I am here . .
in the dark of night with pain encroaching a light-filled whisper wings through the wall of shadows: “When we learn that error is not real, we shall be ready for progress. ” 1 the question beckons: am i ready? am i ready for progress? and suddenly i am awake: yes! i am ready! and so despite insistent clamorings i turn with focused fervency to give complete consent to God (in whom error could never be real) who i know has answered all things has never not been present has ordained my very being has consecrated every precious thing and suddenly without notice, impasse gives way and i am awash in All-ness and here, right here, divine Love carries on Her unhurried, unharried undaunted dawn of day divider 1 Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.
We probably will never know precisely what the seven devils were the Master had cast out those years ago. Or if it had been she who brought the oil to Simon’s house, perfuming Jesus’ feet— feet washed with tears and dried with her own hair.
What do I need to listen to God? How do I hear what Love speaks? Does Love need to turn up the volume to drown out the world noise clamoring outside my window or claiming to be my thinking? Does Love need to be loud? Not in the world’s way. Love is like someone standing in the room with you, still and quiet, until you see that they were always there.
When will man pass through the open gate of Christian Science into the heaven of Soul, into the heritage of the first born among men? Truth is indeed “the way. ” —Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.