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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.

Without measure

How near is God to me? So near there is no near Only Her presence, eternally here.   How deep is God’s knowledge of me? So deep there is no deep Only Her infinite knowing, complete.

Within the fire

Shadrach,  Meshach,  Abednego,  “the form of the fourth,” 1 and me,  and you .


Sometimes I feel like an acorn scattered by a great oak washed down hillside and ravine eluding raven, rodent, rot eventually nestling safely in God’s dear bosom  Long I lay dormant, wordlessly nourished by His wisdom watered by His truth warmed by His love patiently, expectantly awaiting His Word  Then one day a great stirring a light from within, a newness as I shyly peek through the soil as my tender stem and branches reach meekly skyward and my tiny leaves unfurl  Each morning I greet with hope and purpose lodging bird and bee breasting breeze and torrent enduring drought, beetle, blaze unfolding more of the wisdom, Love, and grandeur from which I’m fashioned   As my true selfhood dawns trunk and limbs grow strong roots firm and deep canopy broad and majestic no longer looking up from earth but out from on high silently thankful for my humble station and for God’s unwavering, tender care for all His creation. —Chris Jones.

Through the mist

Through the mist His brightness shines Leading to the Rock higher than we The majesty, might, and grace of Love Foundation of liberty The voice of Truth has ever been Man’s guiding light from within That light, our true mainstay Illimitable Love revealing the way On pinions of light, the infinite unseen  Lays bare the sepulchre and its story Thought sublime clearly defines Heaven’s victory and its glory Unaltered, undimmed, our Savior’s legacy remains  A triumph unfurled Truth without a lapse or error Giving light to a darkened world Oh, sing a new song Let it be heard Through the mist, see the light Through the heart, hear the Word —G. Gershala Goldsmith.

Song of a Christian Science nurse

Nursing is a dance. We follow, never lead.

The sun is always shining

The sun knows not of rise or set For it is always shining.   Sunrise, sunset are not events; It’s just our point of view.


What a Passover that must have been, a time to mourn, not celebrate. Was there even oil (“consecration; charity; gentleness; prayer; heavenly inspiration”  1 ) with which to light the Seder lamps? The Messiah crucified, and everything they’d hoped for dashed.

Sacred wilderness

Wilderness.  Loneliness; doubt; darkness.

I will look upon Your kingdom

The whole universe is a symphony, without time or untimeliness; where everything is an eternal expression of joy; where only good is evidenced in us, in everyone, every day; where good much more abounds; where Life reigns.   Oh, my desire, Father, is to look upon this kingdom with Godlike sight! To see in all Your children Your image reflected and this glorious heaven where all abide.

Heart’s desire

Let my desire be a prayer, outstretched to touch Christ’s robe; an earnest faith that seeks the Savior from all ills, and, through God’s grace, finds healing. And so let all human yearning be transformed by Love, which shapes the hopes of men, and lifts us heavenward.