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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.

Angels know how to find you

perhaps you like Elijah  have found yourself running for your life running from your life huddled in a cave thinking you are alone that all is for naught that you have fallen short might as well pack it in shut down .  .

God’s promise

After a storm makes itself known, God sends a sign— a rainbow. His promise of fruition commands the sky.

Divine heights

Early in the morning,                                 inspiration from God can come in all kinds of ways.   Swimming lap after lap, prayers flowing,                   lifting my thought to divine heights—                                     knowing God, divine Love, the one Mind,     ever present, embracing His spiritual offspring, His ideas—you, me, and all.

Promise and fulfillment

God’s promises  arrive completely formed and fulfilled. Promises of Life, God-guided gifts, like the seed, arrive with all needs supplied.

The answer comes

John the Baptist who baptized Jesus and heard the voice from heaven, imprisoned in a moment of uncertainty, sends his disciples to ask,  Are you the Christ, the one we’ve been waiting for?   Silent, the Master does his work heals the tormented the suffering the unclean. Then the answer comes:  Go and show John again  those things which you hear and see:  the blind receive their sight the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the deaf hear the dead are raised up and the meek in spirit  have the gospel preached to them— and blessed are they who are not offended in me.

God—so gentle!

God, You are so gentle, Your timing, so kind;  Your order is perfect— You’re Love divine!  Your power is omni; Your presence is true;  Your knowing complete;  Your action flows through. You, Lord, the light,  I, Yours, the beam.

God created me

My Father-Mother speaks: “You are Mine. ” Perfectly conceived in Mind, Meticulously drawn by the hand of Love, Inscribed on the Spirit-paper of purity, And embossed by Soul.

Put them all out

You, Jesus, were speaking to Jairus, healing his daughter, knowing all along that what you said and did would also be for me and mine and all. And still today, your divine with-us presence comes to put fear and all doubt out.

The armory of innocence

Daniel’s challenge: a den of lions,  the pride of power, the untamed manes of animal prowess.   Today I seem to face them, too: Injustice, illness, anger, sorrow— each one lurking near; each one a fatal error.

O sweet witness

what a thing it is to discover that you were never ever in a day responsible for  the revolutions or distributions of the world  o sweet witness  hush be still behold  consider the steady hands at the helm  divine Love “kindling the stars, rolling the worlds”  1   the whole world (and you) minutiae to magnitude  in Love’s everlasting loving arms —Joni Overton-Jung  1 Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 332.