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Within and without

From the June 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Church cleanup day
inside and out

ah weeding
what’s the point really
the weeds will grow back
won’t they

yet this plot
was given me to tend
and sure
the weeds may grow back
but won’t it lovingly
serve this place
this group
this community
to beautify this space today

so I weeded both
externally and internally
removing each thought 
that would obstruct 
the divine mission of Church
to elevate the race

with a little attention
the Christ-idea
roots out 
hurts and frustrations 
and what’s left 
is just beauty 

some weeds 
may grow back
but I am ready 
to tend my plot
and patiently
uncover the radiance 
of this church
within and without
as often as it takes. 

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