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The joy of Christian healing

From the June 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Shortly before his crucifixion and resurrection, Christ Jesus spoke to his disciples about continuing his mission after he was no longer with them. He instructed them to follow his commandments and promised them a Comforter that would enable them to carry his work forward. Then he told them, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15:11).

On the surface, it may not have seemed a joyful prospect. All appearances were that Jesus’ ministry was coming to a violent end, and hatred and evil were winning the day. He even told the disciples they could expect to face the same hardships he was facing. The disciples were struggling, but Jesus promised that their sorrow would be turned to joy (see John 16:20).

And it was! After the crucifixion when they realized Jesus had risen from the dead, they rejoiced in the undeniable proof that everything he had taught them was true. What’s more, the New Testament indicates their joy never left them. It carried them through Jesus’ ascension and the formation of the early Christian Church, and was an element in their remarkable record of healing.

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