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Testimonies of Healing

Christ-healing—always accessible

From the June 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It’s incredibly reassuring to know that we are one with God, as taught and proved by Christ Jesus. Divinely loving, comforting thoughts of good from the one divine Mind naturally permeate our consciousness, even when we’re not fully awake to that oneness. Christian Science, wholly based on Christ’s original teachings, and discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy, has shown me that I can listen for and obey the guidance of the one Father-Mother God, good, at any time.

My peace was interrupted one night by a sharp headache and a sore throat. Although I was only half awake, I began praying and found myself gratefully affirming the presence of God, good, and that bodily conditions could not dictate my quality of life because God already did, and does! 

Then, the previous day’s scenes surfaced in thought: It had been cool and windy and I’d been outside all afternoon. Afterward, it had taken me a long time to warm up. When getting ready for bed later on, I had voiced how tired I was. 

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