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The power of seeing present perfection

From the June 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Listening to the news these days, we might feel dismayed by the many problems confronting us, including wars, weather extremes, immigration crises, and political conflicts. To anyone who is concerned about the state of the world, helping humanity can feel like a daunting challenge. Even if we take steps to help, the problems seem too big for one person to have an impact. 

But Christian Science points the way for us to make a real difference. Its Discoverer, Mary Baker Eddy, faced many serious challenges and proved that prayer is a very effective remedy for difficulties of all sorts, small and large. She worked tirelessly to share the Science of Christianity with the world, knowing that this healing method, based on the teachings and example of Christ Jesus, is the way to solve whatever problems humanity is facing. 

In Pulpit and Press, Mrs. Eddy gently encourages us with these lines from a poem by William Cutter: 

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