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As strong this day

From the October 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“I am as strong this day” 1 
as I once was.

To do what, Caleb?
     Run a fast mile
     do 100 push-ups
     heft a sword and shield
     throw a javelin
     a really, really long way?

What was your strength
those millennia ago 
when you and the other scouts
were peering into the
Promised Land?

Many thought it impossible for 
your people to make it there—
     too many obstacles
     too much opposition.
Yet through your
spiritual vision
your trust
in the divine One
you saw
what was promised
as possible
as fulfillable
in fact—fulfilled—
and so it was.
Yes, yes, yes
that true strength
that willingness
to respond to
the Almighty God
to trust
to live with 
spiritual vision
by passage of years
is undiminished

Like you
we too are as strong this day
as we once were
to respond to Spirit’s call
to see the Promised Land
the kingdom of God
fully present
fully accessible
right here
right now.

1 Joshua 14:11.

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