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Rejecting lies about our character

From the October 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Originally published in Portuguese

When actors play their role convincingly, we believe that they are the character they portray. Even though we know it’s an act, their performance can be so convincing that it affects us emotionally.

In a similar way, personal sense—the false, material sense of ourselves, others, and our experience—can seem even more convincing. It presents a scenario and persuades us that we are the proud hero, the evil villain, or the helpless victim—and we respond accordingly. 

But Christian Science shows that material existence isn’t the reality of being. The reality is that each one of us is spiritual, created by God, and lovingly cared for every moment. God is infinite good, embracing His all-good creation, so there is never a time when we are left to contend with circumstances or conditions on our own. Whatever seems to be unjust, frustrating, or frightening does not come from God, but is a product of the material senses that has no actual power over us—unless we believe it. Regardless of the drama being presented, our role is to understand and express our true individuality as God’s child.

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