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Testimonies of Healing

Standing with the truth

From the October 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I used to wonder what I would feel comfortable doing if something catastrophic happened—where would I turn for help and resolution? I was not raised as a Christian Scientist, and I had been well acquainted with other modalities for treatment at times of crisis. Many years ago, I got an answer to my question.  

My wife and I were moving to our new home in Hawaii. We were at our daughter’s house and got up at 5:00 a.m. to prepare to go to the airport. I was trying to do some last-minute packing, when the zipper broke on my suitcase. As I was fussing with that, I felt as if an elephant had stepped on my chest, and I went to my knees. 

At that moment I affirmed that God was right there with me and nothing bad could touch me because I am the child of God. I stood up and declared my spiritual identity, my unity with God, right then and there. My wife and our daughter came into the room and asked what all the noise was about. I told them that I did not think that I would be able to make it to the airport and that we should reschedule. Then I lay down in bed and all of us started praying. We started saying out loud “the scientific statement of being,” found in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 468). I continued to declare my spiritual substance and my oneness with God as I’d been taught in
Christian Science. 

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