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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.

Put on Christ’s garment

Open your eyes to Christ’s living light.   Divine Love removes the cloak of comparison, selfish ambition, and tattered human hope.

Christmas promise

Truth, first displayed as a Son beloved, blest impartation of the Father, today shines forth as Science— hope fulfilled, God’s laws revealed, the Christ-idea appearing again  to illumine what the Master proved,  man and woman forever complete in the image of Spirit. It comes again, this light divine, to every open heart, the promise of the star fulfilled each day— “I will not leave you comfortless.

“Undertaken for the glory of God”*

When first the Pilgrims planted their feet on Plymouth Rock, frozen ritual and creed should forever have melted away in the fire of love which came down from heaven. The Pilgrims came to establish a nation in true freedom, in the rights of conscience.

Stand in purest light

I need not fear the future, concerned by distant time, for God is speaking now to me to say that all is Mine.   In trust and strong obedience, I hear so clear Love’s voice.

Just one God

No threat, mess, stress, fuss; no matter the appearance there just is no interference; just God, good, Being all-harmonious, just Being—Love supreme, loving us; just Being—Mind, with Truth divine defining us; just Being—Life, Spirit, Soul—expressing us; Principle of being, being all there really is to us: Good—proved power, law, presence; One—one All-in-all, one consciousness holding us at-one within its allness; there just is none else. —Suzanne Goewert.

“The reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love”

—Mary Baker Eddy, Manual of The Mother Church, p. 41 Let Life’s light reveal the law of being Let Truth show me all I need to know  Let Love’s warmth be felt by all around me Let Principle guide me where to go  Let Soul’s grace lift me in my waking Let Mind direct me to the place I need to be  Let Spirit inspire true kindness in my actions Let the reign of God be established in me! —Charlotte M.

God’s poetry

God speaks to me in poetry  expressing Life divine.   No limits to God’s harmony—  His goodness ever mine.

Happy are they …

Inspired by Matthew 5:3–12 Happy are they who know their need Of Truth—the rich, transforming leaven By which from bondage they are freed To claim the joys of present heaven. Happy are they who, mourning, find Their sorrow fading fast away, As comfort from eternal Mind Speaks gently of a glad new day.

Your windowpane

Inspired by First Corinthians 13:12 : “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. ” The windowpane obscures occasionally, but still admits light, and when completely clean, there is perfect transparency; so in this clear light of Love I see the Mind that is Thee, and me, the reflection, in which there is neither obscuration nor confusion —only clarity.


Today, As I prayerfully considered Me In my ongoing act of “Becoming,” I realized I already am.   I am already Being.