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Of Good Report

Present-day examples of “whatsoever things are of good report” (Philippians 4:8)

We’re all at home in God

I had to be out of my house in less than two weeks, but the rents in the area had skyrocketed, and when I found another possible place, I was told that forty other prospective tenants had applied for it. I am single and self-employed, and live in a military community where landlords prefer families with a regular paycheck.

A mistaken view corrected

I was on a family holiday when my granddaughter noticed that my eye was red. I thought that water had leaked into my mask while we were snorkeling.

No more speeding

As a teen, I learned to drive in a sports car. Exceeding the speed limit was of no concern.

Look for Love’s lessons

The weather forecast for the day was hot, so I set out unusually early on my daily walk. I noticed the birds singing their cheery songs and thought of these words from one of Mary Baker Eddy’s hymns:  Brood o’er us with Thy shelt’ring wing,      Neath which our spirits blend Like brother birds, that soar and sing,      And on the same branch bend.

Trusting God with decisions

Making decisions can involve the promise of new adventures and opportunities. At the same time it can feel overwhelming.

The Christian Science periodicals help and heal

I’ve been grateful for many years for the Christian Science periodicals and what each issue brings to me when I read it. I began reading them while I was in high school.

Seeing—and experiencing!—the whole thing

One early morning , I woke up with this thought: “See the whole thing. ” Smiling, I stayed in bed for a while to ponder it.

God’s angel messages

Have you ever heard of a “Godwink”? My daughter recently used that phrase to describe an experience where she felt God’s tender care for her. It’s a little reminder, as if God is saying, “I love you, My child.

“With outstretched arms”

One summer, I was visiting Boston from Canada for the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church. I had been inspired by how the Church wraps its arms around the world, spreading the message of God’s love.

Travel for church work made possible

In 2015, I received a letter from The Mother Church inviting me to Boston that June for training sessions for Communications Coordinators around the world. The first thing I did was renew my passport.