Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

In Sunday School a child learns about the Bible and Science and Health, applying the lessons in life and having healings, becoming an active church member
A writer sees fog as a symbol of the active cleansing power of Love operating unobstructed and filling all space
Jesus had to handle society's resistance to the truth he taught, as did Mrs. Eddy. They were successful, and we can handle resistance successfully, too.
Instances of protection while driving
Unexpected guest healed of twisted ankle when unwilling hostess overcame fear of insufficient funds to care for guest by recognizing God's love and supply
Sacrament involves sacrificing a personal sense of self, embracing our true spiritual selfhood, and declaring undivided allegiance to God
It takes the courage expressed in the nativity story to meet the challenges of today's world with Christian Science, the only thing that can meet those needs
Finding the true meaning of Christmas through the childlike heart that is receptive to the Christ message that comes through the story of the virgin birth
The Bible shows that God alone is on the throne, God alone is reigning, governing. This Biblical teaching is as true today as it was when the Bible was written
The blessings, healing, and light that comes from coming together in person as a church family and congregation