The Annual National Convention of Christian Scientist Associations will be held at Cleveland, Ohio, June 12 and 13, 1889. A full attendance is desired. Attention is called to the importance of promptness in forwarding Annual Reports, dues, and Delegates Certificates, so that all arrangements can be completed before the date of meeting. Name of hall will be found in June Journal.
Address all communications, P O. Box 522, Winchester, Mass.
The Sabbath School Lessons of the International Series for the months of May and June embrace the closing scenes in the mission of Jesus; for the month of July they change to the Old Testament, and are continuous from that point, for the remainder of the year. It has been thought best to have the Bible Lessons in the Journal one month in advance of the Lessons Series, and that they commence with the new point of departure in the Series, for the month of July.
In the June Journal, therefore, Bro. Mason will resume the Bible Lessons, taking up the Lessons of the International Series for the month of July, and so on, the Journal of each month containing the lessons of the Series for the month following.