Kansas City, C. S. Sunday School. Dec. 18, 1888, a few earnest workers met at the residence of Mrs. E. D. Behan, to organize a Sunday school, electing the following officers: Mr. H. L. Dunbar, sup't; Mrs. E. D. Behan, assistant; Mrs. J. V. Shepard, secretary; Mrs. A. J. Baird, treasurer. We organized with ten present. We meet regularly every Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m., at the residence of Mrs. Dunbar. Thirty persons are sometimes present. Great interest is manifested, and much good is hoped for in connection with the meetings. The Scientists also meet twice each month, socially, at the residence of each alternately. At the last of these meetings, Feb. 21, on taking leave of Mrs. Behan, the pioneer of Science in Kansas City, who was going to Mrs. Eddy's class, resolutions of sympathy and gratitude for her labors were passed.—
Kansas City, C. S. Sunday School
From the May 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal