Editor of the C. S. Journal: We wish to attest our appreciation of the improvement noticeable in the C. S. Journal during the past eight months. It well merits the word of commendation heard for it on all sides. The last two numbers are replete with the inspiration of Truth and Love.
Western students, who do not have the great privilege of meeting with their beloved Leader at the Association meetings from month to month, and listening to the living word, feel especially blessed in reading her utterances in our Journal. It always comes to them freighted with divine healing.
We were much interested in the article "Science a Revelation," and heartily endorse every word of it. When the question is asked, "What place shall be given the book (Science and Health) that is healing thousands by its instructions?" we answer, without hesitation, "Together with the Scriptures, the first place, since it is the 'divinely inspired key' that unlocks their hidden treasures of Wisdom and Love." Every true Scientist does know that individual growth depends upon strict adherence to the Bible and Science and Health as the only text-books of Christian Science. Obedience to this rule alone insures success.