The letter from Bro. Farlow, printed below, brings up the burning question of the hour. Organize! Organize! Organize! is the one word that reaches us from all parts of the country. It is the first fruit of the higher consciousness of Science that has manifested itself during the last months. Scientists everywhere are coming out from the old organizations, and forming Sunday meetings, to comfort and strengthen one another in the new, old Way, demonstrated fully by Jesus, and whose Science is stated in the new Revelation through Science and Health. As a correspondent expresses it, they are "tired of handling and hearing the fragments," and want the whole vesture of Truth.
This movement is spontaneous. It comes in natural sequence. Since the time of the apostles nothing like it has been seen. From all sides inquiries reach our Teacher about the steps to be taken. God sent us His message of health, holiness, and harmony through her. The growths of Love and Truth never quarrel with or separate from their beginnings.
In Science we know that we are "many members but one body," and that church organizations are only larger individualities. As Truth is one, as it has come to us through one divinely appointed channel, as it remains one though manifested through many thousands of smaller individualities, grouped in larger ones, —so we move in the unity of the Spirit, looking in all things that relate to His cause to God and our Leader, that so the manifestation of this unity may be more perfect day by day. Thus, taking counsel of God, the movement of organization will form one solid column, compact and coherent, throughout.