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Church Organization and Sunday Services

From the August 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several inquiries have come to the Journal concerning steps to be taken in the organization of Churches. These communications are held waiting the completion of the Committee,— only partially made up at the meeting of the National Association— for reference to them. In the meantime, a most valuable instalment of information is furnished by the publication of the Tenets, By-Laws, form of application for charter, etc., of the Boston Church of Christ (Scientist). Our Teacher was on the Committee for the preparation of Tenets and By-Laws, and her name appears in all the papers relating to the formation of the Church. These fundamentals of Church organizations are, presumably, from her hand, and their simplicity and clearness will be recognized by all.

These documents will serve to fix the thought as to the foundation pieces of Church organization. The precise forms and requirements vary in different States, but the documents published in this issue of the Journal, present a complete idea of what is involved in the formation of a Church. In the September number suggestions will be given as to the formation of the groups for Sunday services before the constitution of an incorporated Church.

In the meantime, persons who write to the Journal for information should be more explicit in their statements as to the number of persons prepared to act together, their advancement in Science, the material resources at command, the character and disposition of the community in which action is to be taken, and the extent of interest in the manifestations and doctrines of Science. Also a brief statement of the steps already taken would be useful to those called on to make recommendations as to action in a particular case. Also statements from those who are now carrying on such services, as to their methods of getting up and conducting meetings, will be of great use to the committee.

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